
Mercedes‑Benz非常感謝您對我們的產品有興趣,並且參觀本網站!關於您個人的隱私權,Mercedes‑Benz會絕對尊重,讓您能夠安心的參觀本網站。我們非常重視使用者個人資料蒐集過程的保護,我們亦將依照現行法律規範致力於維護您的隱私權。尤其,我們的隱私權保護政策適用於全球Daimler AG公司及其所屬網站。然而,其所連結的其他網站並不在本隱私權保障的範圍內。

Daimler thanks you for your visit to our website as well as your interest in our company and its products. Your privacy is important to us and we want you to feel comfortable when visiting our site. The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention in our business processes. Personal data collected during visits to our websites are processed by us according to the legal provisions valid for the countries in which the websites are maintained. In addition, our data protection policy complies with the Data Protection Directive applicable company-wide for Daimler.
The Daimler web pages may however include links to other web pages which are not covered by this privacy statement.

Daimler Internet Data Protection Policy


收集與處理個人資料 Collection and processing of personal data


When you visit our website, our web servers store as standard details of your browser and operating system, the website from which you visit our website, the pages that you visit on our website, the date of your visit, and, for security reasons, e.g. to identify attacks on our website, the IP address assigned to you by your internet service provider; this IP address is stored for seven days. With the exception of the IP address, personal data is only stored if you choose to submit it to us, e.g. during registration, in a survey, in a competition or in order to enable performance of an agreement.


Use and disclosure of personal data and purpose specification


Daimler uses your personal data only to the extent necessary for the purpose of technical administration of the website, for customer management, for product surveys, and for marketing.

Any disclosure of personal data to government bodies and authorities only occurs as part of mandatory national legal provisions. We have placed our employees, agencies and retailers under a duty of confidentiality.

選擇自由 Choice


We would like to use your data to inform you about our products and services and where applicable request your opinion. Of course, participation in such activities is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you can notify us at any time so that we can block your data accordingly. You can find further information on the relevant page of the website.

電子報 Newsletter


Our website can be used to subscribe to newsletters. The data provided during the newsletter registration will be used only for the purposes of distributing the newsletter, provided you have not consented to other use. You can cancel the subscription at any time by using the unsubscribe option provided in the newsletter.

集中式 Daimler 存取服務 Central Daimler access service

此集中式 Daimler 存取服務可讓您建立一個使用者帳戶,並登入至 Daimler 集團旗下的所有網站和應用程式,以及藉由此項服務提供的其他品牌。按下以下連結,閱讀集中式 Daimler AG 存取服務的使用條款:

> 集中式 Daimler AG 存取服務的使用條款與條約

The central Daimler access service enables you to create a single user account to log in to all websites and applications of the Daimler group and its brands that are offered through this service. Click on the following link to read the Terms of Use for the central Daimler AG access service:

Central Daimler access service

社群插件 Social Plugins

Daimler 使用社群網路的社群插件 (Social Plugins) (「按鈕」),如 Facebook、Twitter 及 Google+。
造訪本公司網站時,這些按鈕預設為停用,意即在您未操作的情況下,系統不會將資料傳送至各社群網站。您必須先按下按鈕並啟用,才能使用這些按鈕。按鈕會維持啟動狀態,直到您再次停用或刪除 Cookie (請參閱〈Cookie 注意事項〉段落)。

啟動按鈕後,無論您是否按下按鈕,個別社群網路皆可收集資料。如果您登入社群網路,該網路可指派您的使用者帳戶為造訪此網站的帳戶。除非您啟動其他 Daimler 網站的個別按鈕,否則社群網路無法指派造訪其他網站的帳戶。

Daimler uses so-called social plugins ('buttons') of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
When you visit our websites, these buttons are deactivated by default, i.e. without your intervention they will not send any data to the respective social networks. Before you are able to use these buttons, you must activate them by clicking on them. They then remain active until you deactivate them again or delete your cookies (please refer to the 'Notes on Cookies' section).

After their activation, a direct link to the server of the respective social network is established. The contents of the button are then transmitted from the social network directly to your browser and incorporated in the website.
After activation of a button, the respective social network can collect data, independently of whether you interact with the button or not. If you are logged on to a social network, the network can assign your visit to this website to your user account. A social network cannot assign a visit to other Daimler websites unless and until you activate the respective button there as well.
If you are a member of a social network and do not wish it to combine data retrieved from your visit to our websites with your membership data, you must log out from the social network concerned before activating the buttons.
We have no influence on the scope of data that is collected by the social networks through their buttons. The data use policies of the social networks provide information on the purpose and extent of the data that they collect, how this data is processed and used, the rights available to you and the settings that you can use to protect your privacy.

如需本公司使用的 Cookie 及其功能的相關資訊,可於〈Cookie〉段落取得。

Information on the cookies that we use and their features can be found in 'Cookies'.

分析使用資料 Analysis of usage data

我們使用 Adobe Omniture 追蹤訪客的喜好設定,並辨識本公司網站中的熱門區塊。這可使本公司更準確提供符合您需求的內容,並以此提升服務品質。

如果您不想讓 Daimler 收集並分析與您造訪相關的統計資料,可以隨時拒絕未來使用您的資料 (opt-out)。
為了在技術上執行「拒絕」操作,必須在瀏覽器上儲存 opt-out cookie。此 Cookie 將僅會表示您已停用。請注意,基於技術理由,opt-out cookie 只會在您拒絕的瀏覽器中生效。如果您刪除瀏覽器中的 Cookie,或使用不同的終端裝置或瀏覽器,則需要再次停用。

按下此處以安裝 opt-out cookie

We use Adobe Omniture to track the preferences of visitors and to identify popular sections of our websites. This enables us to provide content that is more accurately suited to your needs, and in so doing improve our service.

If you do not wish Daimler to collect and analyze statistical data related to your visit you may object to the future use of your data at any time (opt-out).
For the technical implementation of your objection it is necessary to save an opt-out cookie in your browser. This cookie will only indicate that you have opted out. Please note that for technical reasons the opt-out cookie will only affect the browser you object from. If you delete the cookies in your browser or use a different end device or browser, you will need to opt out again.

Click here to install the opt-out cookie.

安全性 Safety


Daimler uses technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the data we have under our control against manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorized persons. Our security procedures are continually enhanced as new technology becomes available.

資訊自由  Freedom of Information


如果對於處理個人資料有任何疑問,可聯繫 Daimler 集團資料保護主管,如果您有任何資訊、建議或投訴的相關要求,主管及其小組可隨時回應您。

On request, Daimler or the entity responsible for you will inform you in writing as soon as possible and in accordance with applicable law whether and what personal data relating to you has been stored by us. If you are a registered user, you have the option of viewing, deleting or editing your personal data yourself. If incorrect information is stored despite our efforts to ensure that data is accurate and up to date, we will correct it at your request.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, you can contact our Group Data Protection Officer, who, along with his team, is available should you have any requests for information, suggestions or complaints.