Ever since Andrea and Mike set off north, the thought of the wild south of Patagonia hasn't left them. After all, there’s still so much to discover! So they drive back without further ado.

Hey RoadStars, we’ve covered some distance again and want to take you with us of course! From the Chilean capital Santiago, we drive directly to the Pacific coast. We visit small fishing villages and stay overnight on beautiful, deserted beaches. To our surprise, the coastal road is extremely winding and hilly, which increases the Axor's diesel consumption slightly. However, Mike drives slowly so that we can enjoy the landscape even during the winding journey. Fortunately from time to time, we can buy some fresh fish from the fishing boat early in the morning. The fishermen are pleased that us tourists are interested in their work and proudly pose for photos.

Level to Concepción, we leave the coast and follow small back roads to the 75 m high Itata waterfall, where a short but challenging trail takes us to the foot of the waterfall. In several places we even have to climb down on thick ropes. This trail is definitely not for the faint-hearted!

There is currently a lot of unrest in the ninth region of Chile. We are therefore advised to stick to Ruta 5, which is secured by Chilean security forces, for the next section of our journey. This is also known as the Panamericana in Chile and is the most important trunk road in the country at an impressive 3,363.97 km. During this time, we spend many nights at petrol stations and cover big distances every day. 

An impressive sight to see during the journey is the Malleco Viaduct, Chile’s highest railway bridge still in operation. There’s really something to see at every corner.

Which other sights would you definitely like to visit with your truck? Tell us about it in the comments! 

4-Xtremes – The World Tour.

Andrea and Mike Kammermann have been on the road in the Expedition Axor since June 2020. The Swiss couple have visited much of Europe, from the northernmost point of Norway to the Canary Islands, and also made a detour to Tunisia. Distance covered on the road on the journey: 83,000 kilometres! Travelling to other destinations was not possible, mainly due to pandemic-related restrictions. Until now! Andrea and Mike are now discovering South America. Find out what happens next! This current tour is the second one that the Swiss couple have undertaken in their Axor. They travelled through more than 20 countries in 2018 and 2019, covering a good 47,000 kilometres.

Photos and video: 4-Xtremes