Through no man's land in the Axor.

Series: 4-Xtremes – The World Tour

Through no man's land in the Axor.

Mike and Andrea explored the untouched nature of Tierra del Fuego in their Axor and found themselves at a dead end.

The starting point of the next leg of our journey was Punta Arenas, the southernmost city in the world and the most important trading centre in southern Patagonia. There we stocked up on supplies, explored the historic city and enjoyed coffee and cake in one of the city's oldest cafés.  To the south of the city, we visited the geographical centre of Chile and hiked to the southernmost lighthouse of the Americas. After our trek, we camped at the Strait of Magellan and watched the full moon rise over our campfire.

In no man’s land.

The next day we crossed the Strait of Magellan to Tierra del Fuego by ferry. The crossing was unusually calm and therefore very pleasant. We reached the village of Porvenir and then set off along a paved road. But this luxury quickly came to an end. Shortly after leaving the village, we were faced with 800 km of gravel roads with nowhere to stock up or refuel along the way. But we only had one goal in mind: the end of the road on the Chilean side of Tierra del Fuego. Compared to the Argentine side, the land here is completely undeveloped and the wilderness is virtually untouched.

All the way to the end of the road.

After several days on picturesque routes through the autumnal landscape, we reached Estancia Caleta Maria, which used to be the end of the road. The Chilean government is now extending the road up to the Beagle Channel. We were able to drive along a short section of the new route until we reached the point where the road was closed due to construction work. We had no choice but to drive back to Punta Arenas the same way we had come. But it was still well worth it.

This region is in our top 5 list of favourite places. As we headed back, the passes were completely white because it had snowed in the mountains.

Once we arrived at Punta Arenas, the Axor got a thorough cleaning and we replenished our supplies before moving on.

4-Xtremes – The World Tour.

Andrea and Mike Kammermann have been on the road in the Expedition Axor since June 2020. The Swiss couple have visited much of Europe, from the northernmost point of Norway to the Canary Islands, and also made a detour to Tunisia. Distance covered on the road on the journey: 83,000 kilometres! Travelling to other destinations was not possible, mainly due to pandemic-related restrictions. Until now! Andrea and Mike are now discovering South America. Find out what happens next! This current tour is the second one that the Swiss couple have undertaken in their Axor. They travelled through more than 20 countries in 2018 and 2019, covering a good 47,000 kilometres.


Photos and video: 4-Xtremes